Tuesday, July 24, 2007


i came across my first muji shop in london years ago and since then i haven't been able to get enough. cool clothing, bath products and pens and pencils, all in the same place and all with that distinct, clean, simple muji style. it's heaven. i could browse the aisles for hours (although i confess i start to feel like a messier and more disorganized version of my perfect self when i'm finished). i recently discovered that the muji shops in singapore sell muji food products, too. and not just tea beverages in cool pet plastic containers and wasabi peas, but also baking mixes. brownies, pizza, focaccia, and even those chocolate yule logs with holly branches (huh???). but the funny thing is, the packages are really small. there's supposed to be a pan inside the box, too.
when i make the mix i'll post the results. for now the package sits on the shelf as a sort of kitchen curio.

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