Wednesday, April 11, 2007

hen party: good, clean fun

last weekend i went to a bachelorette party (as in europe, they call them hen parties here) for two brides to be. they're on either side of the bartender, wearing the veils.

all 15 of us, 2 brides and 13 friends, wore red. actually it was a pretty straightforward event. we all met up for a nice dinner, then hit the clubs for some dancing and general mayhem.

i knew we were in for a hard night when we did our first shot -- tequila, tabasco sauce, and something else that made it even more disgusting.

the brides-to-be had a list of tasks to accomplish:

get a guy to write your name on his chest in lipstick
gather as many phone numbers as you can
gather as many condoms as you can
get at least 3 guys to call or text the future husbands and tell them how lucky they are

the body shot was just for fun. ;-)

the two brides accomplished their tasks with lightening speed. hot chicks!

the day after was not as much fun tho. i ended up staying at the house of one of the other girls and the next day we laid out on the couch until about 2 pm, when we got up the energy to go out and find some breakfast. one of the guests, whose name i cannot mention, was so sick she couldn't leave the house the next night. yikes. i'm thinking my bachelorette party will be a spa day...

btw, does it make me a hippocrite that i would be really upset if my lovely fiance were out doing body shots before we got married?

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